
Postman to Azure Table Storage

This post is an example of how I posted data to Azure Table storage from Postman.


  • You have access to Postman
  • You have an Azure Storage account


  1. Go to your Storage Account


  1. Click on Tables, and then click on Add table


  1. Add table to Azure Storage Account

    You should now have a table, in my example these are called test and test2.


  1. Next, generate a shared access signature (SAS), which is a URI that grants restricted access. Generate a SAS and connection string as shown below.


  1. Click on Generate SAS and connection string and leave the generated strings on screen, we will need them later.

  2. Now go to Postman, From postman we are going to do an insert or/and replace request.

    Request URL: https://<<StorageAccountName>><<TableName>>(PartitionKey=’myPartitionKey’, RowKey=’myRowKey’)
    See example below.'A', RowKey='44')
  1. Then go back to the screen where you Generated your SAS and look down until you get to SAS token.

    Copy the value, and paste it after the request URL so it forms one ling string. See example below.'A', RowKey='44')?sv=2021-06-08&ss=t&srt=o&sp=rwdlacu&se=2022-11-15T21:02:37Z&st=2022-11-15T13:02:37Z&sip=,http&sig=49MrnoRgsbL9bvzIr%2BrEfxpQP3MAAe4rbc1O44NzcHc%3D

Method: PUT

Under Body choose raw and then JSON from the drop-down menu. Then enter in some sample JSON.

  "correlationId": "0d145550",
  "companyId": "NL-0-02355555",
  "dateOfOrder": "2021-02-04T09:33:36.166Z",
  "language": "en",
  "userId": "10555"

Under Headers enter in as detailed below:


  1. Then press Send, and you should get a 204 No Content response.

Check it works

To check it works we go to storage browser, I will do this in Azure.


Click on the table you just posted to, and then you should see the data you have just sent to the table.
