
Command Bar to Call Custom Page in Model Driven App


Recently, I was asked if it was possible to place a message at the top of every form and view across an entire Model-Driven App. This message would then open a Custom Page that would display more detail. In this Blog post, I explain how this can be achieved and what steps need to be taken.

For the purposes of this demo, we will call a custom help page from a command button.


Step 1: Create a Solution

Lets Create a new solution for this to sit within /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_M2ahzB0oe3.gif

Step 2: Custom Page

From here we now need to build a custom page /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_N8UYXdlaYM.gif

Step 3: Our Model Driven App

So we can demonstrate this, we need to create a Model Driven App. /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_Csm4Ze6FCg.gif

Step 4: Custom commands

Lets save and Publish this Model Driven App, and then we can view where we are going to place our custom commands, for this demo they will call a Custom Help Page /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_IewomnpMi1.gif

Step 4: Custom page name

Next we need to grab the name of our power page, not display name. In our demo this is techtwed_mdacustomhelppage_93a75. /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_UYBwUVUPfF.gif

Step 5: JavaScript

To create this we are going to use some JavaScript, where is some sample JavaScript we can adapt in order to create our button.

function openCustomPage() {

    var pageInput = {
        pageType: "custom",
        name: "new_custompage", // The name of your custom page
        entityName: "account",  // The entity you want to open the custom page for, if applicable
        recordId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" // Optional, the ID of a specific record

    var navigationOptions = {
        target: 2, // Opens the page in a dialog
        width: { value: 80, unit: "%" },
        height: { value: 80, unit: "%" },
        position: 1, // Center
        title: "Custom Help Page"

    Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(pageInput, navigationOptions).then(
         function success() {
             console.log("Navigation successful");
         function error(error) {
             console.log("Navigation failed");

Lets create our JavaScript in VSCode called openCustomHelpPage.js. After dropping it in we need to make soem small changes to it. We need to remove

       entityName: "account",  // The entity you want to open the custom page for, if applicable
        recordId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" // Optional, the ID of a specific record

as we dont need it, and update title with something appropriate, and name with the value from step 4. /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/Code_2t0ba7WkEu.gif

Finally, we need to update the name of our function. /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/Code_0uYfV7rrJL.gif

Step 6: Create a Custom Command

Next, we need to create our Custom Command. For this example, we will do it in the Accounts table. Navigate to your solution > Tables > Table Name > Commands.

Then Select Main grid and add a new button. /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_3eWzlTh93M.gif

Then, we need to upload our JavaScript. /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_D6rcRh4QMb.gif

Finally lets configure our button to call our JavaScript function openCustomHelpPage.


Lets see if its worked /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_4QHIt40hHR.gif

Lets now add the same page to the form /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_INXFyEnTxt.gif

Lets test to see if that has worked /posts/command-bar-to-call-custom-page/img/msedge_DOeeDGlr0s.gif


By following these steps, you can add a message at the top of every form and view across your Model Driven App that opens a custom page. This approach enhances user experience by providing detailed help or information seamlessly integrated within your app.

For more tips and detailed guides, stay tuned to my blog. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out via my website.