Tech Tweedie Blog

Send Emails from Flow without a Service Account

Want to send emails from Power Automate but can’t or don’t want to use a service account? Tired of dealing with Conditional Access Policies, password expirations, and frequent logins? Do you want a simple, secure, and scalable way to send emails without constantly re-confirming security information? Good news! In this guide, I’ll show you how to send emails directly from Microsoft Exchange using only an App Registration. No service accounts, no password headaches.

Effortlessly Move Dataverse for Teams Solutions

Do you need to move a Solution in Dataverse for Teams form one environment to another, are you unable to use a Pipeline to move a solution around? Want easy reputable steps? Need to be able to drill into what changes have taken place between solution builds. Today I will show you a tool that I have made to make this process easier by using a PowerShell Script to move Dataverse for Teams solutions between environments.

Calculate Working Day

Want to Calculate Working Day in Power Automate, having trubble with the number of variations. That’s why I’ve put together a nifty little tool to help out the community and make this process a whole lot easier. In this post, I’ll guide you step-by-step through setting up and using this tool. Whether you’re trying to figure out the next working day, handle complex scheduling, or just want a smoother way to automate your date calculations, this is for you.

Backup Dataverse Development Environment

Introduction Ever wondered what would happen if you lost your development environment? How do you feel about having to do all of that work again? What about if you spot a problem days later? Can you remember the value you changed three days ago in that flow? Have you ever seen someone delete the website record by mistake. These are all situations I have been in over the last few years, and having a Pipeline in place to ensure backup of your hard work is extremely important.

Securing Power Automate for Production

Introduction Power Automate is a wonderful tool, but there is a world of difference between building something for personal productivity and utilising this amazing low-code tool for production, where an important business application will rely on it. When considering a workload like this, we need to make it easier to manage and troubleshoot, ensure reliability, and prioritise security. Finally, if the worst were to happen, such as some credentials becoming leaked or an endpoint being compromised, how can we configure this so that damage is limited?

Command Bar to Call Custom Page in Model Driven App

Introduction Recently, I was asked if it was possible to place a message at the top of every form and view across an entire Model-Driven App. This message would then open a Custom Page that would display more detail. In this Blog post, I explain how this can be achieved and what steps need to be taken. For the purposes of this demo, we will call a custom help page from a command button.

Build a Basic PCF Field Control

Introduction Want to get started using the Power Apps Component Framework (PCF), would you like to start building controls. In this blog post we are going to step through the process to building your first component. You can watch the accompanying YouTube video here What languages To build out our component, we will be using both TypeScript and HTML. Don’t worry if you haven’t worked with these before. Tools The tools we will be using today will be;

Power Platform Developer Tools Install Script

Introduction Frequently moving between desktop builds, want to be able to get up and running quickly, I’ve found it incredibly useful to have my own build script that covers 80% of the tools I am likely to need. It’s essential tools ready to go saves a lot of time and hassle, that’s why I created a PowerShell script to automate the installation of the developer tools I often use when working on the Power Platform.

Variables in PowerFX Command Buttons

Introduction Have you ever wondered if you can use Environment Variables in a PowerFX button, how to create a custom email link button in the command bar of your Power Apps model-driven application using environment variables and Power FX? Luckily, Power Apps has made it possible to achieve this. With the help of Power FX, which is the same language used in canvas app development, anyone can efficiently customise their app’s command bar without needing prior knowledge of JavaScript or the Ribbon Workbench.

Clone with PowerFX Command button

Introduction Cloning multiple records within a data view in a Model-Driven App is a common request from end users. It helps them quickly fill out data fields in situations where only a few values differ between records. In this blog post, we will explore how to add a custom button to the command bar in a Power Apps model-driven application to duplicate multiple records. Power Apps recently introduced this helpful feature, and the best part is that it can be achieved using Power FX, the same language used for developing canvas apps.

Streamlining Webhook Testing

Streamlining Webhook Testing with I often find myself undertaking some form of prototyping or investigation. For instance lets say I am publishing an end point for a client to connect to via a HTTP call, often also referred to as a web hook. One such issue this can introjuce is being able to see what is the actual request been made. I came across, which has proved particularly useful in testing and troubleshooting webhooks.

Create a Solution Configuration File

Introduction Want to deploy your Power Apps Solution files quickly via Pipelines? Not sure how to set your environment variable or connection references. This blog post will explain how we solved this problem using a Solution Configuration File. Understanding the Need for a Solution Settings File A solution settings file is crucial when your solution involves environment variables or connection references. Without it, you might end up with configurations that do not carry over the intended values, leading to solutions that don’t behave as expected in different environments.

Bias of Maslow’s Hammer

In the vast and evolving landscape of software development, the principles guiding our choices often transcend the technical. One psychological concept, Maslow’s Hammer, poignantly captures a cognitive bias that impacts much more than our personal lives—it resonates deeply within the realm of software architecture. Commonly paraphrased as, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” this law, attributed to Abraham Maslow, underscores the tendency to over-rely on familiar tools or methods at the expense of potentially more effective solutions.

Too Many Redirects on WordPress

Introduction I recently set up a new WordPress website for a friend. It was late one evening, and I was in a bit of a rush; as with many people online, I chose to use Cloudflare to protect the website. However, problems arose after setting up the WordPress website when I configured the SSL/TLS side of things. I switched on Cloudflare’s proxy as normal. So far so good. Then I continued to edit the site before handing it over to my friend; however, I noticed I was getting load errors.

Thinking Environment Meetings

In today’s remote work environment, the significance of effective team meetings cannot be overstated. These gatherings are pivotal for aligning goals, addressing challenges, and fostering team cohesion. However, not all meetings are created equal. The introduction of a Thinking Environment, as outlined by Nancy Kline in her book “Time to Think,” offers a transformative approach to traditional meetings. When combined with the structured reflection of retrospectives, this approach can elevate the effectiveness of team meetings.

Azure Function with Azure B2C

Azure functions are a very handy way of getting something small done very quickly. Often these have to be secured and sometimes with an identity provider that is not stright out of the box. Today I am going to take you through the steps I took to secure an azure function using Azure B2C. Step 1 – Create app in Azure B2C PREREQUISITE Azure Function The Azure Function URL Azure B2C Tenant configured with user flows STEP 1 To start with register an application in Azure B2C.

Postman to Azure Table Storage

This post is an example of how I posted data to Azure Table storage from Postman. Prerequisite You have access to Postman You have an Azure Storage account Steps Go to your Storage Account Click on Tables, and then click on Add table Add table to Azure Storage Account You should now have a table, in my example these are called test and test2. Next, generate a shared access signature (SAS), which is a URI that grants restricted access.